PECOM has been in Brazil since 2018, when with the purchase of Bolland SA shares, it acquired Bolland businesses in the country.
We operate in the Management, Operation & Maintenance segment of oil and gas fields, in Artificial Lift for oil wells and in Chemicals.
Artificial Lift
Commercialization of mechanical oil well pumps Pecom manufactures in its Argentina plant.
Our main customer Petrobras has distinguished us in several opportunities (last time in 2020) with the “Melhores Fornecedores Petrobras” Award.
Through our alliance with PCM we are now commericalizing Progressive Cavity Pumps in Brazil.

Management, Operations and Maintenance
In 2020, we started providing field management, operations and maintenance for our customer 3R in Polo Macau. In 2021 we began providing services in Polo Río Ventura.
Our operating phylosophy based on eficiency of productive processes distinguishes us in the design of operations adding value to our customers.
We develop chemicals and chemical treatments applications tailored to the needs of our customers.